Saturday, February 4, 2012

House of Pain

Pack it up
Pack it in
Let me begin
I came to win
Battle me that's a sin
 - Jump Around by House of Pain

It's my packing theme song.  Appropriate for a number of reasons.....I'm packing it up and's just the beginning..........and my back is in pain.  Sing along while I go take some Advil.  It should be noted, however, that I have some mad packing skills.  Seriously - if this whole CPA things doesn't work out!

This is the scenery around my house.  I bought some boxes and got some from work.  And, have some left from previous moves. 

Yes, that is a roll of bubble wrap.  How much fun is that!!

Dining room china and crystal - check!

No, I haven't been brave enough to start the kitchen.  Maybe tomorrow.....


Beth said...

I despise packing / moving!! Good luck!

Brandi said...

Noah and Jonah would love the bubble wrap!!! Remind me of that at Christmas time...I could buy them a roll and wrap it and put under the tree as a gift! LOL!!!