Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday's Five Faves

As another week comes to an end, I'm reminded how fast time flies.  It's almost August.  August people.  Where is 2012 going??  Anyway, here are some things that I'm enjoying at the moment:

1.  Peanut M&M's - I could seriously eat these all the time.  I love them so much.  What's weird is that I used to only eat Plain M&M's.  I made the switch about 7 years ago and haven't looked back.

2.  Shiseido Eyelash Curler - got this a few weeks ago and I love it.  It gets every lash.  Of course, I ordered mine from Sephora and you can get it here.
3.  Cool Shoes - so as not to incriminate myself, I won't say how many pairs I've purchased recently and how many I have it total.  I love shoes.  If I have on a cool pair of shoes, I may as well be wearing a cape and have super powers.  My favorite brand at the moment is Via Spiga and I love it that they have been having a 60% off sale.  My shoe-buying days are numbered, though, but I'll save that news for another post.

4.  Ice cream at the office - the past two weeks, we've played a little game called "Squeeze" at the office. The winner (or loser, as I call it) has to go to the nearby grocery store to buy ice cream.  I don't know who made up Squeeze, but it goes like this:  One person (the previous week's winner/loser) thinks of a number between 1 and 100.  Then, everyone goes around guessing a number and is told higher or lower by the leader.  You eventually get "squeezed" into the number and the person who guesses it wins (loses) and has to go buy ice cream.  Everyone chips in a buck or two.  I lost last week and bought chocolate and birthday cake ice creams with hot fudge and sprinkles for toppings.  The toppings were a hit and now people want me to lose every time!

5.  New People - I love making new friends and meeting new people.  During a recent lunch outing to Panera with a couple of girls from work, we found ourselves in line behind this girl who was alone.  She had beautiful red hair and was wearing cool shoes, which I immediately commented on.  Once we all made our way through the line, ordered, and got our food, there was no place to sit.  It was packed!  All 4 of us are wandering around, trays of food in hand, searching for a place to sit.  We finally notice this man sitting alone at a table for 4 (yes, during the crowded lunch hour) and he appears to be finishing up.  We ran over to stake it out, then I noticed the other girl still looking so I invited her to sit with us.  She happily accepted.  Turns out she is new to Birmingham and her husband just started a residency at UAB.  My co-workers and I bombarded her with questions and tips on where to eat/go/visit in the area.  Her name is Melanie and we were fast friends.  We have been out to lunch and hung out a few times.  Melanie is super cool and has a fabulous job at the Bobbi Brown counter at Saks.  I went in recently and she did my make-up.  It was so fun and she made me look so pretty.  Before/After shots didn't occur to me at the time, but I see many more fun makeovers in the future.  Mel has been gone this week because her grandfather passed away.  I've missed her!  Prayers for her family, please.   

That's it for now.  Stay tuned for my exciting news that is going to put an end to the retail therapy!  Happy weekend!

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Did you get those black ones? They are cute!