Monday, February 27, 2012

Disturbing Message

****warning - disturbing image below****

I've been getting a lot of mail and many emails that are somewhat traumatizing.  They inform me that I'm going to miss out on something and lose money.  I may even have to forgo my "valued customer" title.  It's hard to decide what to do.  I don't like to miss out on things.  Wasting money is no good either.  And, who doesn't want to be valued???  It's just all so troubling. 

As if the letters and emails weren't enough, then this shows up in the's like a dagger to the heart!

First of all, I think it should say "you are about to read your last issue."  Just sayin.  Second of all, did they really have to tell me that?  I think I would have noticed when the magazine stopped showing up in the mailbox every Friday.  I was able to make myself ignore the letter and emails, but this is like a neon sign that I cannot overlook.  Kudos to these marketing folks because it has me seriously reconsidering the subscription renewal.  I had decided it was an expense I could cut and time I could spend doing something more productive (though I struggle to understand what could be more productive that reading about celebrities and looking at red carpet pictures).  I buy it for the articles.....

So, what do you think?  Renew or not renew?  I would be saving 727% off the newsstand price.  Maybe someone should buy it for me.  The Easter Bunny, perhaps.  I will miss out on SO much between now and Easter!!  I hope Brad and Jenn don't get back together while I'm out of the loop!!


Brandi said...

Renew it and I'll get to read them when you're finished! Just sayin'.......

Beth said...

Are you going to find yourself buying it off the newstand anyway???? If so - renew and get the better price!! And like your sister said - she gets to read them when you're finished.....

Christy said...

Renew! Renew! Renew! I too thought about canceling, but US Weekly is like my crack! I can escape my world and ooh and aah over celebrities. I refer to it as my "research" magazine. You never know when you may need that knowledge. Never stop learning.