Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Meat-free Tuesday

Obviously, the title would be better if it was "Meat-free Monday," but I ate meat yesterday (for lunch and dinner, but not a lot at either).  Today and this past Saturday, I intentionally did not have meat.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to stop eating meat.  I can't even tell you how much I love a good steak.  I just want to try not eating meat every day.  I don't know if I will or won't have meat tomorrow - actually, I probably will.  Lunch is being served at the office and I'm sure it will entail some sort of meat.  Anyway, I'll try another meat-free day soon.  I am making sure that I get enough protein, so no need to worry about that. 

I've tried two new things in my meat-free adventure.  I had a California quesadilla.  It had spinach, black beans, goat cheese, and pico de gallo.  I really enjoyed it.  I like spinach in small amounts or mixed in with something.  I can't eat a serving of just plain spinach.  The quesadilla had the perfect amount.  I've also tried a Veggie wrap.  It's a multi grain wrap filled with hummus, artichokes, cucumbers, spring mix, tomatoes, and feta topped with balsamic dressing.  I love hummus almost as much as I love steak, and I love this wrap.  I had half of it for lunch with a salad and the other half for dinner with some fruit.  Put hummus on anything and I will eat it.  My friend, Leanne, introduced me to cucumber slices dipped in or spread with hummus.  This is great for a snack or something light at parties. 

I may try this at least 3 days a week.  I'm hoping it will encourage me to try new things.  Anyone have any cool meat-free food suggestions?

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Well you KNOW I have an arsenal of meat free dishes, although I have to say that my favorite on-the-go meal is a Morningstar "Chickn' Patty on one of those round sandwich thins. Pair it with a side of Alexia sweet potato fries and a small salad...my favorite quick meal for sure.